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With the many issues posed by various email programs as to the correct rendering of your HTML email, it is wise to leave as little to chance as possible. A vast number of HTML emails are not W3C compliant, which can cause these rendering problems and potential delivery issues. Most email filters check for valid code, since many malicious senders attempt to use invalid and potentially dangerous HTML code to mask harmful components of their message.

It is advisable to make sure your HTML is free of errors before sending. Clean HTML code will follow the W3C HTML guidelines — you can use The W3C Validation Service to see if your code is compliant. You should also refrain from using scripting, such as JavaScript or VBScript, in your code. Most email readers strip these out of messages due to the possible security risks caused by script inclusion, and some may block your message completely if scripting is detected. If there are scripting components that you feel are vital to your marketing campaign, use your email message to drive recipients to your web site, where dynamic scripting components are easy to implement.

For more information on Applied Info Group’s database and email marketing service capabilities, please contact Mitch Rubin, President of Applied Info Group at 908-241-7007. Visit to learn more.

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About Applied Info Group

To communicate effectively with today’s customers, marketers need the advanced level email delivery and database solutions offered by Applied Info Group. Our extensive knowledge of direct and email marketing, state-of-the-art technology, and superior service enables you to fully utilize all database assets.

By delivering customized, effective postal and email marketing communications, you improve the efficiency and results of your marketing programs. Our secure web-based reporting, campaign tracking, and advanced query systems allow you to access your data at any time, in real time, helping you to make critical decisions on your time.
July 2008
